Center for Excellence in Supply Chain Management
The Center for Excellence in Supply Chain Management (CESCM) supports the MBA and undergraduate programs of the Howard University School of Business. Professor Tanya Penny Woods and Dr. Denice (DC) Ware, both former executives from Verizon Communications, direct the inner of the Center and serve as advisors to the Supply Chain Management Student Association. Both the undergraduate and graduate programs provide degrees with a concentration in Supply Chain Management. Howard’s CESCM and Supply Chain Management program prepares students for successful careers in world-class demand, logistics, and supply management positions.
In addition, the CESCM provides undergraduate and MBA Supply Chain Management students with exposure to real-world corporations, government entities, and their respective supply chains. Our advisory board and corporate partners provide SCM students with internships, class lectures, corporate site visits, supply chain conferences, scholarships, and curriculum input to prepare them for a high-performance career in supply chain management.
To develop and prepare top talent business leaders for the global supply chain community. The Center for Excellence in Supply Chain Management (CESCM) is committed to providing a strong foundation of experienced faculty, relevant course curriculum, and dedicated executive sponsorship coupled with innovative extra-curricular experiences to assure students are exposed to corporate, business, and entrepreneurial environments.
The CESCM supports both MBA and Bachelor programs at the School of Business with a concentration in Supply Chain Management as their selected major or minor for International Business. In addition to cutting edge guest lecturers in the classroom; students have access to internships, supplemental workshops, corporate site visits, professional conferences, mentorship, supply chain organizational memberships, business case study competitions and scholarships. Our corporate and governmental partners contribute input to the coursework and provide an invaluable network for feedback and career opportunities, leading to high performance careers in Supply Chain Management.
As a result of SCM’s unique cross-functional importance, an MBA concentration or undergraduate major in Supply Chain Management have become two of the most sought-after degrees by business and industry. The business world has elevated the importance of supply chain management and its evolution into a key strategic role within corporations.
The Howard University Supply Chain Management (SCM) program was the first HBCU program at both the graduate and undergraduate levels; implemented respectively in 2001 and 2007. The HU SCM program has been consistently nationally ranked by Gartner as a leading program. Supply Chain Management has become one of the most sought after business function resulting in marked growth in popularity amongst School of Business programs. The boutique nature of the SCM program allows for a unique cross-functional concentration with emphasis on data analytics and technological transformation. The SCM curricula exemplifies Howard University’s commitment to produce competitive and diverse graduates to excel in the very latest business concepts and demands in today’s industry.
The MBA SCM program includes thirteen (13) required courses plus one free elective, totaling 54 credit hours. The undergraduate Supply Cain Management program requires eight (8) SCM courses in addition to the core School of Business undergraduate courses. Both MBA and Undergraduate programs must complete the Capstone Global Supply Chain Integration Course. Other course highlights include:
- Procurement Management
- Logistics
- Fundamentals of Negotiations
- Production and Operations Management
- Project Management
- Business Analytics
Howard University’s CESCM - Setting the standard...Delivering Excellence!
Some of the many companies and organizations that support CESCM students thru collaboration, scholarship, internship and full-time placements are:
Accenture | Bristol Myers Squibb | DuPont | Grainger | Kearney | Navistar | Sysco | W.L. Gore |
ALCOA | Chick-fil-A | Eaton | Hershey | Kraft | Nike | Target | Walmart |
Altria | Chrysler | E & J Gallo | Honeywell | KPMG | Northrop Grumman | TJX | Wells Fargo |
Amazon | Cisco | Eli Lily | IBM | Lockheed Martin | Pfizer | Toyota | WSSC |
Amgen | Conoco Philips | Exxon Mobil | IDEXX | L’Oréal | Pratt & Whitney | Travelers Insurance | Zimmer Biomet |
Ariba | Cummins | FBI | Intel | Mattel | Proctor & Gamble | Tyco | ISM |
Bank of America | DC Government | FedEx | Ingersoll-Rand | Merck | Raytheon | U.S. Steel | CSCMP |
Bechtel | Dell | Ford | John Hopkins Health Systems | MetLife | Resource Group | Unilever | NASPO |
Boeing | Deloitte | GM | Johnson & Johnson | Microsoft | Ryder | United Technologies | Billion Dollar Roundtable |
Bridgeport | Dow | JP Morgan Chase | NASA | Stellantis | Verizon | DMSCA |
Tanya Penny Woods
Dr. DC Ware
Associate Director