Cybersecurity Analytics Center (CAC)

In the News

Cybersecurity is rapidly growing career field study and a top priority for national security.  The growth in unfilled cybersecurity positions is far exceeding supply with projected a global shortage of 3.5m positions in 2025 per the Cyber Venture ‘2023 Official Cybersecurity Jobs Report’.  The Howard Cybersecurity program provides students with the training and programs needed to be successful in a variety of entry level cybersecurity career paths.  

Cybersecurity Analytics Center (CAC)

The Cybersecurity Analytics Center (CAC) was created as an academic-public-private partnership in the Howard University School of Business to develop cybersecurity professionals, conduct research, and support outreach to underserved communities. TheCAC is a key part of the Howard University’s designation as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense (NCAE-CD) by the National Security Agency (NSA) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS).  

CAE Designation | Bismarck State College

Cybersecurity Offerings 

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