HUSB | Facilities
To request space in the building, please complete and submit this form:
Once the form is submitted successfully, you will receive a confirmation email. If your request is approved you will receive another email that your request has been approved with additional information. Please allow 7 business days for confirmation of your room request.

Welcome to the School of Business at Howard University
We are located at:
2600 Sixth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20059
Our building houses a number of multi-purpose spaces including:
Auditorium (Capacity 275) - Room 235
The School of Business auditorium is a large state-of-the-art space that is available to support large gatherings such as conferences, lecture series, and awards ceremonies.
Bloomberg Lab (Capacity 15) - Room 433
This lab provides access to 12 Bloomberg terminals - a software platform that provides real-time and historical data, market-moving news, and analytics to help leading businesses and financial professionals worldwide make better-informed investment decisions. The service also features execution platforms for every asset class, research, and a global network to communicate securely and reliably.
Cybersecurity Lab (Capacity 40) - Room 426
This lab provides students with the technical capabilities to understand cutting-edge cyber techniques and has housed events such as capture-the-flag competitions, penetration testing, and ethical hacking workshops.
Utilizing Our Spaces:
In order to request space in the School of Business, you must be an affiliated Howard University faculty or staff member. Students who wish to request space must ask their faculty advisor to request space on behalf of a student club or organization. In addition, you must read and agree to the terms in the HUSB Facilities Policies and Procedures document which can be found on this page. We utilize a room scheduling system called SKEDDA. If you would like to view a calendar of available rooms and times, please log in using Single-Sign-On (SSO) using your Howard email credentials.
Please visit our Frequently Asked Questions.
If you have any additional questions about your Room Request please email