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Accounting Department News & Events
Graduation 2023
Chandler Row
2nd Lieutenant, United States Marine Corps
The year of 2023 has been the most inspiring and more importantly the most humbling for me. I've learned so much about myself, my peers, and the environments I placed myself in. During my matriculation at the illustrious Howard University, I learned the importance of a sense of belonging, community, and purpose. With the support of friends and family along the way, I was not only able to earn my degree, but also gain clarity on a larger purpose in life. Simply put, it is to give freely of yourself to others in order for the world around you to change for the better. I am forever grateful for the experiences and opportunities attending an HBCU and being a Bison have afforded me. As I go out into the world, I am able and ready to enact the school motto of "Excellence in Truth and Service."
Celebrating an Educational Milestone